A “Community” aspect of Chatuge Village…
August 9, 2020
What To Do???
August 29, 2023Election results for the CVCA Board of Directors were announced at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday, July 8, at United Community Bank in Hayesville. George Schultz and Phil Wilson were re-elected to second terms on the board, while Patti Becker and Sally Lowdermilk were voted in for initial two-year terms. They will join Skip Fossett, Frank Kulbertis, and Kim Tigar who are entering the second year of their two-year terms. The 2023-2024 Annual Budget was also approved in the election. A special THANK YOU to Pam Bunch for heading up our nominating committee and to Jim Sapp and Christina Carter for volunteering to serve as our vote tabulators at the meeting! Thank you, also, to all of the candidates who were willing to run for a position on the board. And, last but not least, thank you to all who cast their vote in the election!